Work in progress

Work in progress

Next version: Community-Level Social Capital and COVID-19 Infections and Fatality in the United States (with F. Borgovoni and S.V. Subramanian)


Bowling together by bowling alone: Social capital and Covid-19 (with F. Borgovoni)
Social Science & Medicine,

Community-Level Social Capital and COVID-19 Infections and Fatality in the United States (with F. Borgovoni and S.V. Subramanian)
CEPR Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers, issue 32, p. 110-126, 2020, VoxEU.

Bowling together by bowling alone: Social capital and Covid-19 (with F. Borgovoni)
CEPR Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers, issue 17, p. 73-96, 2020, VoxEU, IOE London Blog.

Pre-doctoral publications

The role of education and skills in bridging the digital gender divide, evidence from APEC countries (with F. Borgovoni, A.S. Liebender and M. Squicciarini), OECD, 2019.

Occupational transitions: the cost of moving to a “safe haven” (with S. Jamet, L. Marcolin and M. Squicciarini)
OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers, 2019,